Sound Finder

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Sound Finder and the related Silence Finder are tools which can useful to label the different songs or sections in a long recording, such as the tracks from an LP or cassette.

After typing the name of the track or section in each label, File > Save Other > Export Multiple... will export audio files in one process corresponding to each label's audio. See Splitting a recording into separate tracks.

Sound Finder...

Accessed by: Analyze > Sound Finder...
Sound Finder.png

Sound Finder divides up a selection by placing region labels for areas of sound that are separated by silence. Use this to make the labels show the exact region of each track to be exported. This lets you remove some or all of the silence between the tracks.

If any album tracks have more than one label, increase the silence level and duration. If any labels extend into other album tracks, reduce the silence level and duration.

Bulb icon If you already have a label track and that is included in the selection that you make for the analysis then these labels will be added to your selected label track - possibly causing confusion with your existing labels.
  • Workaround: Ensure you just select audio track(s) and include no label track in the selection for the analysis.


Clicking on the command buttons give the following results:

  • Manage gives a dropdown menu enabling you to manage presets for the tool and to see some detail about the tool. For details see Manage presets
  • OK applies the effect to the selected audio with the current effect settings and closes the dialog
  • Cancel aborts the effect and leaves the audio unchanged, closing the dialog
  • Help Button brings you to the appropriate page in the Manual, this page


See Silence Finder and Sound Finder for examples comparing and contrasting the usage of Silence Finder and Sound Finder.


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> Silence Finder