Audacity Manual Contents

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Audacity 2.3.0 Manual

New features in this release

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Guide to the Audacity Project Window

File MenuEdit MenuSelect MenuView MenuTransport MenuTracks MenuGenerate MenuEffect MenuAnalyze MenuTools MenuExtra MenuHelp MenuMenu BarPause ButtonPlay ButtonStop ButtonSkip to Start ButtonSkip to End ButtonRecord ButtonTransport ToolbarSelection ToolEnvelope ToolDraw ToolZoom ToolTime Shift ToolMulti-ToolTools ToolbarMeter Dropdown MenuMeter Dropdown MenuRecording MeterPlayback MeterPlayback SliderRecording SliderMixer ToolbarCut ButtonCopy ButtonPaste ButtonTrim ButtonSilence Audio ButtonUndo ButtonRedo ButtonZoom In ButtonZoom Out ButtonZoom to Selection ButtonZoom to Fit ButtonZoom ToggleEdit ToolbarPlay-at-Speed ToolbarDevice ToolbarUnpinned Play/Recording HeadTimelineScrub Ruler is the primary method to Scrub or Seek. Click in Scrub Ruler then move the mouse to Scrub, or click then drag to Seek, which skips along the audio.Track Close ButtonAudio Track Dropdown MenuMute ButtonSolo ButtonTrack Gain SliderTrack Pan SliderTrack InfoTrack Collapse buttonVertical ScaleLeft Channel of Stereo Audio TrackRight Channel of Stereo Audio TrackTrack Control PanelLabel TrackSelection ToolbarProject Rate Dropdown MenuSnap To OptionsAudio PositionSelection Position boxesSelection ToolbarStatus BarProjectWindowImagemap 230.png
Click for details
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Help buttons

  • Help Button Some places in Audacity have a help button, click for the relevant Manual page.

Additional Menus on Mac

Using Audacity

Quick Help

Audacity Foundations

Editing with Audacity

Help with Advanced Topics

Customizing Audacity


Index, Glossary and More

Links: Most links are to other pages in this Manual. Italiciszed  links are to pages external to this Manual, mostly to our main website or Wiki. We are not responsible for the content of any other external sites.

Screenshots: Most screenshots in this Manual are of Audacity running under its default settings on the Microsoft Windows 10® operating system.

Copyright: Pages in this Manual are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. In essence, you are free to (1) copy, distribute and transmit the work (2) to adapt the work, under condition you must attribute the work to the authors (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). For any reuse or distribution, you may not remove our copyright notice and must make clear to others the license terms of this work.