Regular Interval Labels

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Regular Interval Labels places point labels in a label track so as to divide the associated audio into smaller, equally-sized segments. This can be useful for distributing a large file on the internet or ensuring that all exported files are the same size.

You can either choose the number of labels to be created or the interval between them. Each label produced can contain specified label text and the labels can be given sequential numbers before or after the text.

Accessed by: Tools > Regular Interval Labels...
Regular Interval Labels.png
Bulb icon After running "Regular Interval Labels", you can choose File > Save Other > Export Multiple... to export all the files in one process based on the label points.
Bulb icon If you already have a label track and that is included in the selection that you make for the analysis then these labels will be added to your selected label track - possibly causing confusion with your existing labels.
  • Workaround: Ensure you just select audio track(s) and include no label track in the selection for the analysis.

Use "Number of labels" OR "Label interval"

This enables you to choose the label placement method:

To create a chosen number of labels within the selection, select Number of Labels  menu dropdown from the dropdown (this is the default setting).

To place labels within the selection a chosen distance apart, select Label Interval  menu dropdown from the dropdown then enter that distance in Label interval (seconds).

Number of labels

If you selected Number of Labels  menu dropdown (the default) then your specified number of labels (default is 10) will be created. The number can be changed by typing in the input box, the allowed range is between 2 and 1000 labels.

Label interval

If you selected Label Interval  menu dropdown then the labels will be placed at your specified interval within the selected audio. The default interval is 60.0 seconds. The allowed range is between 0.001 and 3600 seconds.

Adjust label interval to fit length

This only operates if you have chosen the Label interval placement method. Number of Labels  menu dropdown

If you select Yes  menu dropdown from the dropdown for this control, it adjusts your chosen label interval if necessary to make all the audio segments of equal length, including the final segment between the last label and the end of the selection.

When set to No  menu dropdown, the interval between labels will be exactly the length specified in the Label interval control, but the final segment from the last label to the end of the selection may be different (depending on whether the selection length is exactly divisible by the specified interval duration.

When Number of Labels  menu dropdown is selected, the label interval will always be the length of the selection divided by the number of labels, irrespective of this setting.

The default setting for this control is No  menu dropdown.

Label text

The text that will be included in each label. The default setting is Label but this can be replaced by any text (or no text) by using the input box.

The label text may include spaces and/or punctuation characters, but note that if you intend to use the labels with Export Multiple, some characters may not be valid for file names.

Minimum number of digits in label

Choose the minimum number of number of digits in the label numbers and whether the number is placed before or after the label text. The default setting is 2(before label)  menu dropdown. With that setting, if you had 10 labels with "Label" as the label text, the first label would be "01Label", the next "02Label" and the last would be "10Label".

If you select None - text only  menu dropdown then no numbering will be applied to the labels. If you choose this and set no label text then you will produce a set of empty labels.

Begin numbering from

If a minimum number of digits has been chosen in the control above, enter the number from which the sequential numbering will start. The default value of 1 can be changed by typing in the input box. You can enter any whole number equal or greater than 0.

The number of digits actually produced in the label is determined by your choice in Minimum number of digits in label above. For example, if you type "10" in Begin numbering from and your minimum number of digits is 3, then the first label will be numbered from "010".


Clicking on the command buttons give the following results:

  • Manage gives a dropdown menu enabling you to manage presets for the tool and to see some detail about the tool. For details see Manage presets
  • OK applies the effect to the selected audio with the current effect settings and closes the dialog
  • Cancel aborts the effect and leaves the audio unchanged, closing the dialog
  • Help Button brings you to the appropriate page in the Manual, this page


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