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To hear your work in other media applications, export it to an audio file.

Audacity as shipped can export to a number of common audio formats including WAV, AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and MP2.

To export as MP3, the optional Lame MP3 encoder must be installed.

You can install the optional FFmpeg library to export to many more audio formats including AC3, AMR(NB), M4A, MP4 and WMA.

Warning icon

For either Export Audio, Export Selected Audio or Export Multiple, tracks on which the Mute button is pressed are not exported. There will be a warning if you export with all audio tracks muted.

See Export Audio Dialog for more help with exporting.

Export Formats

There are a number of audio formats that Audacity, as shipped, can export to; others can be added with additional software.

Alternatively, saving an Audacity project creates a project file (and linked _data folder) containing all your track contents, including labels and envelope points, so you can return to your work later exactly as you left it. However, other applications cannot read Audacity projects.

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